Thursday, August 8, 2019

Importance of a Clean-Fire Sprinkler System

Fire sprinklers help in reducing the fire-related fatalities and the average loss of property per fire significantly. These systems help in extinguishing fire much faster compared to the approximate time it will take the professional firefighters to arrive. More importantly, the fire sprinklers make use often less amount of water in comparison to the fire control department.
The benefits of fire sprinkler are tremendous. However, many people do not pay much attention when it comes to the cleaning of the fire sprinkler heads.
Over time and long usage period, the sprinkler heads tend to accumulate dust, dirt and paint among other debris. If an incident of fire takes place, the trapped grime or dirt can end up obstructing the fire sprinkler heads, making them ineffective. Hence, to make sure that your sprinkler is responsive at all times, you need to schedule regular inspections and cleanings.
Dangers Associated With Dirty Sprinkler Heads
Whether you are running a large restaurant chain or own a small commercial building, paying enough attention to the fire control system is highly crucial to help reduce risks of fire events and protect lives. Dirty sprinkler heads can:
  • Delay response rate
  • Block or reduce spray patterns
  • Collect and re-transmit viruses and bacteria
  • Circulate germs and dust through HVAC systems
How to Clean the Dirty Sprinkler Heads?
Sprinklervac is one of the best and most recommended dusty fire sprinkler head cleaners you can rely on. This patented product helps to clean the dirty sprinkler heads in a completely touchless manner. So, if you want to enhance the safety and cleanliness of your organization, Sprinklervac can be your best option. 

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